
Explore the past to understand the foundations of the present and the building blocks of the future. The faith-informed Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 在历史上 degree program at 十大赌博网站 empowers you to conduct meaningful research, 与历史专业人士联系, and take your learning to the other side of the world.

文理学院 & 科学





The study of history has collective importance. Historical events influence our day-to-day lives and inform our decision-making for tomorrow. Bachelor of Arts 在历史上 program at 十大赌博网站 encourages you to 忠实的ly examine American and global history, along with Christianity’s role within it. 


在这里, you uncover truths and investigate unknowns in the historical record through rigorous classroom study, 个人研究项目, 全球经验, and our Phi Beta Theta chapter—the American honor society for students and professors of history.


  • 信仰指引: Our faculty frame the grand sweep of human history, 行动, and endeavors within a compelling Christian perspective.
  • 丰富的位置: Find professional opportunities and deepen your learning at the nearby Palm Beach County Historical Society, 诺顿艺术博物馆, 和弗拉格勒博物馆.
  • 本科研究: Design and conduct research into your areas of passion—a recent graduate published on trench newspaper publishing in WWI!
  • 沉浸式留学: Spend a semester deep in the history of Oxford, Edinburgh, or St. Andrews, and join archeology trips to Italy and Ireland.

female students smiling and taking notes at 十大赌博网站


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Through the bachelor’s in history degree program, you learn to:

  • 展示研究技能
  • Distinguish and analyze key concepts and time periods throughout American history


超越你的B.A. 在历史上, 大胆地挖掘更深的东西, 进一步的进展, and uncover truths that few before you have considered seeking. The history major provides extensive preparation for graduate- and postgraduate-level research, 教学, and learning at some of the most distinguished institutions in the country and around the world. Launch a bright future alongside fellow PBA history alumni at places like:

  • 密歇根大学
  • 佛罗里达大学
  • 佛罗里达州立大学
  • 佛罗里达大西洋大学
  • 贝勒大学
  • 佩珀代因法律
  • 富勒神学院
  • 天主教大学
  • 印第安纳大学法学院
  • 维克森林大学
  • 塔夫斯大学
  • 中佛罗里达大学


Invest in your curiosity and think critically about the world as it is, as it was, and as it will be. The history major challenges you to combine elements of historical study with other subjects—ancient and modern—through a biblical lens. 你的辅修或第二专业, such as the secondary education minor, further expands your worldview and opens new career opportunities.


Review all courses for the bachelor’s in history program

The threads of history are woven through every subject and every passion. 在PBA, we ask you to engage with a minor or second major that complements your history major, 照亮了新的视角, and encourages you to connect historical through-lines across disciplines.

Cultivate broader familiarity across the spectrum of expertise in our one-of-a-kind 信仰、根源和理性是核心. In a variety of general education courses, you widen your understanding of history while developing the skills and experience necessary to be a professional, 忠实的, and civic-minded citizen of the world.

Lay foundational understandings of history in the United States, 欧洲, 和基督教, then advance to study upper-level topics that pique your interest. Dive into specialized courses in Florida history, 美国的少数民族, 现代恐怖主义, 古地中海, 现代非洲, 和更多的.

Work toward 教学 licensure for grades 6–12 in the secondary education minor. This abbreviated teacher training option prepares you for the Florida Teacher Certification Exams, including the subject area examination for social science. Review the secondary education minor course list.



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Studying history equips you with unique skills for interpreting texts, 推断的想法, and handling complex matters of ancestry, 出处, 和先例. Intern with nearby historical societies (like the Historical Society of Palm Beach County, 诺顿艺术博物馆, and the Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach), 进行原创性研究, and network with our Phi Beta Theta chapter. 通过实践学习, you prepare yourself for diverse professional settings and high-impact graduate programs. 


美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects occupations like archivists, curators, and museum workers to increase by 10% over the next decade, but history majors excel in many types of professional work. Our graduates are making their mark at places like:

  • 密歇根大学
  • 沃尔玛公司档案
  • 和平队
  • 十大赌博网站县学校
  • U.S. 海军
  • Gunster法律



电话: (561) 803-2100


History student reads a book in the dorms.


修18个学分的美国大学课程.S. history and upper-level electives covering a wide range of places and periods for an undergraduate minor in history.

A biblical studies major reading a Bible


The Christian History Minor is intended for students who want to dive deeper into the Christian tradition and its historical origins.

Students take notes on laptops during a lecture in a classroom.


B.A. program in Politics provides a distinctive liberal-arts approach to the study of politics. 学生探索历史, 理论, and practical foundations of politics and the values and institutions that have informed the development of Western political order, including traditional Judeo-Christian morality, 有限的, 宪政, 和法治.